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Strings in python are a very essential datatype and other programming languages too, its a sequence of characters in python.

Single-line and Multi-line strings

Single-line strings

string = "Hello World" #this is an example of a string, it uses ""

another_string = 'Hi World' #this is another example of a string, using ''

Multiline-line strings

First_multiline_string = """Hello World \n
How are you doing
""" # \n is a special character ( escape sequence character ).

Second_multiline_string = '''Hi World \n
How are you doing

Using type() function on a string

>>> type(string)
<class 'str'>
>>> type(another_string)
<class 'str'>
>>> type(First_multiline_string)
<class 'str'>
>>> type(Second_multiline_string)
<class 'str'>

Finding length of a string

We can use the len function to find the length of a string.

>>> len(string)
>>> len(another_string)
>>> len(First_multiline_string)
>>> len(Second_multiline_string)

String Indexing and String Slicing

String Indexing

>>> text = "Hello"
>>> text[0] #this is going to get the first character of the string
>>> text[1] #this is going to get the second character of the string
>>> text[4] #this is going to get the fifth character of the string
>>> text[-1] #this is going to get the last character of the string
>>> text[-5] #this is going to get the fifth character of the string from the first
0 and Positive indexing : 0 1 2 3 4
Word : H e l l o
Negative Indexing : -5 -4 -3 -2 -1

String Indexing starts from 0 and goes upto (length of string - 1).

Negative indexing starts from -(length of string) upto -1

Lets see another example :

>>> "Python is a very popular language"[0]
>>> "Python was created by Guido Van Rossum"[-1]
>>> "Python has a very easy syntax"[13]